Recipe Addiction Pages


Grilled Pineapple and Chicken Sandwich

Wow, we realized today how much work garage sales are! Lucas and I had our first one today since we have been married, and I am amazed at how much stuff you can accumulate in just 3 years. It does feel good to be rid of some of the things we never use and clear a little more room. 

By the time we got done with the sale, we were starving and in the mood for something good. I walked in to the kitchen and saw the nice fresh pineapple I bought the other day and knew exactly what I wanted to eat. Lucas and I have been making this sandwich since we were first married, and it is one of our favorites. Easy and delicious, and you can top it with whatever you have on hand. It definitely hit the spot, and I hope you like it too!

Grilled Pineapple and Chicken Sandwich

What you need:
1  chicken breast, cut lengthwise in half
1 fresh pineapple, cut into slices
1/4 C of you favorite BBQ sauce
Mozzarella cheese (or whatever cheese you have on hand)
*Optional toppings
red onion
or anything else that suits your fancy!

Season your chicken to your liking. I seasoned mine on both sides with salt, pepper and garlic salt. Saute until brown and cooked completely through. While you are cooking your chicken, use a grill pan or outdoor grill and grill your pineapple slices. (You could also cook it on the same pan as your chicken if you do not want to grill.) When chicken is thoroughly cooked, remove from heat and cover in BBQ sauce. Put cheese on top and allow to melt. 

Toast your bun and spread a little mayo on one side. Stack your sandwich with chicken with BBQ sauce and cheese and grilled pineapple. Add any other additional toppings you have around. Enjoy!!

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